A Bar Maid’s Apron

Mood: Buzzed Audio: Karate by Baby Metal Drink: Long Island Iced Tea Snack: N/A Okay, so I apologize for the clickbait-y title. But this project is an apron, it was completed as far as it can possibly be completed in a bar, and as of right 5/16/18 I am a maiden. An old one but […]

A Small Drafting Victory

So, as with just about everything, it has been a while since I have drafted anything on the duplicate I so painstakingly made nearly a year ago. Sidenote: She isn’t my size anymore though she is roughly the same shape so I take anything I draft on her now with a huge pinch of salt. […]

Taking a Stab at Base Layers

Mood: Relieved Audio: Compound by Ruben de Ronde Snack: trail mix Drink: Turner’s iced tea I wonder if you haven’t figured out by now that my love for historical fashion runs incredibly deep. Despite this, however, I hardly have any costumes to show for it, let alone any foundations. Past historical projects of mine have […]

Seeing Double

Mood: Excited Audio: Cosmic Gate’s album ‘Wake Your Mind’ Drink: Water Snack: Avocado toast Anna and I have been through a lot together. It seems like a lifetime even though it’s only been little more than a week. In the beginning, it was exciting. But this excitement dulled rather quickly. She started getting rather ‘flaky’ […]

The Room

Mood: I don’t want to go to bed Audio: All the craft podcasts of Youtube. Snack: Leftover steak pizza  Drink: Count Traveler: A blood orange shandy In case I did not mention this before…I moved. We packed up our things and moved away from the city and now reside in a smaller but much more […]

Beautiful Mistakes

Mood: Make this humidity go away. Drink: The rest of my lime infused workout water Snack: N/A Audio: Hoarders: Buried Alive (I really can’t stop watching this show.) Whilst working on this here bralette pattern: The shoulder of the lace dress I’m also working on slipped off the narrow shoulder of my display mannequin  and […]

Becoming a ‘Bag’ Lady

Mood: Meh Audio: Oh the sweet sound zooming through a tunnel and flying down the hoghway because we’re more than an hour late to a birthday party Snack: N/A Drink: N/A These are more pouches than they are bags but the term ‘pouch lady’ doesn’t quite sound right. I made them this morning from some […]

At last

My rhinestone encrusted bra is finished and it only took a year of off and on glue sessions. The rhinestones are flat backs in 4-5 different sizes that have been hot glued to the bra itself. The dude calls it my battle bra because of how stiff it is.

Skirt Sloper (Complete)

Mood: Anxious Audio: My Curse by Killswitch Engage Drink: Water Snack: N / A Boom! A skirt sloper. As (somewhat) promised. Now I can get on with my plan to make more skirts than is actually necessary. [Enjoy my mismatched socks.] I took a peak into my stash again and found several panels of mesh […]